Almost There The Platformer

While dodging homing missiles, you’ll have to sprint between saw blades. Protect yourself from the lasers while the ground collapses beneath you. You’ve been warned; Almost There was developed with the intention of appealing specifically to fans of the challenging platforming subgenre.
100% Dexterity Platforming: Almost There delivers continuous platforming awesomeness throughout the entire game.

Gameplay that lasts for hours and hours: Almost There features over 150 different stages and timed challenges, which will result in you dying thousands of times.

Firmware requirements: 5.05, 5.50

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA14287

Almost There The Platformer v1 FW 5.50 (CUSA14287 – US – PKG)
Almost There The Platformer Update v1.02 Fix FW 5.05 or higher (CUSA14287 – US – PKG)