AWAY The Survival Series

In your very own interactive wildlife documentary, you get to play the role of a sugar glider. As you embark on an adventure to save your family, you will soar among the trees, do battle with dangerous predators, and discover beautiful environments along the way.

Learn about the adventures of a young sugar glider as he sets out to find a way to save his family. Your journey will take you through a variety of landscapes, and you will come across a vibrant world that is teeming with life. However, be wary of the perils that lie in wait for you…

Taking on the role of a sugar glider, soar through the air, take on perilous foes, and travel through breathtaking landscapes, all while a narrator describes your every action.

Firmware requirements: 5.05

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA27876:

AWAY The Survival Series v1 + Update 1.07 (CUSA27876 – USA – PKG)
AWAY The Survival Series Update 1.07 Fix FW 5.05 or higher (CUSA27876 – USA – PKG)