Battle Princess Madelyn

In the video game Battle Princess Madelyn, the player follows the adventures of Madelyn, a young girl who is learning to become a knight, and Fritzy, her spectral pet dog. They embarked on a journey to rescue her kingdom and her family from the clutches of a wicked wizard who had taken control of the land.

The instantly classic and familiar gameplay will transport old-school gamers back to their heyday, and the self-adjusting difficulty will allow even the most novice of gamers to pick up and play! The game is inspired by the classic Ghouls N’ Ghosts and Wonder Boy 3: The Dragon’s Trap.

Fight alongside Madelyn as she travels through a variety of environments, including castles, swamps, and the countryside. You can look forward to polished gameplay, visually stunning environments, jaw-dropping dual soundtracks, and epic adventures.

Firmware requirements: 5.05

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA13712:

Battle Princess Madelyn v1 + Update 1.08 + Update 1.08 (Fix 5.05) (CUSA13712 – USA – PKG)