Ben 10

Ben Tennyson, a 10-year-old boy, discovers a magical device that can turn him into 10 different alien heroes, each with its own unique abilities. With this newfound power, Ben, Grandpa Max and cousin Gwen help others and stop evildoers – but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t cause some superpowered kid mischief once and a while.

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As Ben Tennyson, it’s up to you to save the world. Take on some of Ben’s most infamous enemies, including Zombozo, Queen Bee, and the Weatherheads. Unlock and transform into all ten of Ben’s incredible alien forms. Discover an exciting new story across three new episodes and use each alien’s unique combat moves to defeat enemies, solve fun puzzles and save the day.

Star as Ben 10 in three exciting new episodes
Unravel an exciting new story, packed with humour and action
Unlock and transform into 10 incredible alien creatures with unique abilities
Save the day with explosive combat and fun puzzle-solving
Meet your favourite characters and explore diverse locations

Firmware requirements: ??? or 4.55 or 5.05 higher


🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 Ben 10 (PKG – EUR)