Chicken Police Paint it RED

In the past, Sonny Featherland and Marty MacChicken were known collectively as the Chicken Police, and they were a legendary detective team. However, that took place almost a decade ago, and since then, time has cruelly left them behind. Now, Sonny and Marty have no choice but to cooperate in order to solve a mystery that is stranger than anything either of them has ever experienced before!

Chicken Police is a game that combines elements of traditional adventure games and visual novels, and it focuses heavily on the conversation between characters. There are more than 30 playable characters in this game who can be spoken to, and some of them require in-depth questioning. Get your hands on a tonne of clues, evidence, and highly sensitive personal information from the shady characters in Clawville so you can use it to your advantage in a fight against them!

Firmware requirements: 7.5, 9

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA20204:

Chicken Police Paint it RED v1 FW 7.5 (CUSA20204 – USA – PKG)
Chicken Police Paint it RED Update v1.03 FW 9 (CUSA20204 – USA – PKG)
Chicken Police Paint it RED Update v1.03 FW 5.05 or higher (CUSA20204 – USA – PKG)