Ikk, our selfless and unassuming hero, is back for more action in GONNER2! And assistance is required from him this time by Death. Because of the strange presence that has taken up residence in her lair, she needs Ikk’s assistance in clearing it out.

You’ll have to navigate your way through places that are deep, dark, and chaotic, complete with flashes of unimaginable colour and crazy bosses, all while trying to keep your head!! GONNER2 is a procedurally generated platformer with elements of roguelike games that will keep you on your toes – now with even more added colour and chaos!

Firmware requirements: 7.50

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA23371:

GONNER2 v1 FW 7.50 (CUSA23371 – USA – PKG)