The world-famous archaeologist Lemeza Kosugi has gone missing, and only his daughter Lumisa knows where he could be. You have arrived in Eg-Lana, which is an inverted version of the legendary ruins of La-Mulana.

You will need to think quickly, move quickly, and exert a lot of force in order to get past treacherous traps and complex puzzles on your way to discovering unfathomable secrets. At the conclusion of your journey, will you discover triumph, or will you find yourself defeated?

Firmware requirements: 6.72

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA17444:

LA-MULANA 2 v1 (CUSA17444 – US – PKG)
LA-MULANA 2 Update v1.02 (CUSA17444 – US – PKG)