Source of Madness

Source of Madness is a dark action roguelite with a side-scrolling format that takes place in the Loam Lands, a Lovecraftian-inspired world that is driven by procedural generation and artificial intelligence with machine learning capabilities. As the new Acolyte sets out on their dreadful journey, you will play the part of that individual. Explore the Loam Lands and the moon’s mysterious Citadel, the Tower of Madness, to unearth their hidden cosmological mysteries.

Hordes of beasts straight out of a nightmare
The horrifying monsters that you must fight are never the same because they are generated with procedural methods and animated with neural networks. AI

Firmware requirements: 5.05 or higher

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA32720:

Source of Madness v1 (CUSA32720 – USA – PKG)
Source of Madness Update 1.03 (CUSA32720 – USA – PKG)