Space Overlords

Since the beginning of time, the four brothers who are collectively referred to as the Overlords have been held captive by the malevolent Kesedihan, who is responsible for the gradual destruction of the cosmos. You and your brothers have to take action to rid the planets you have cultivated over the course of the centuries of the evil that has contaminated them.

The mode of gameplay thrusts you headfirst into the thick of the action, where you’ll be levelling cities and tearing through defences on other planets.

• Name a galaxy and fill it with your own planets created with the Level Editor. • Local Multiplayer Vs. Mode, which supports up to four players and four distinct game types. • Special planets that can only be accessed by multiple players. You can also play other people’s levels, which you can download and play, as well as share your planets with the community.
• New Extended Campaigns – You will play through two new galaxies in the ‘The Fight for the Awakened’ and ‘The Great Serpent’ campaigns • While you play as one of two new Overlords, you will learn the story behind the corruption in Kesedihan.

Firmware requirements: 5.05 or higher

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA04231:

Space Overlords v1 (CUSA04231 – EUR – PKG)