Among Us

Get ready to go, but keep a sharp eye out for the impostor! Perform tasks in order to maintain the integrity of your spaceship and make it back to civilization, but be on the lookout for impostors, as there may be one or more of them among the crew who are intent on destroying the ship and killing everyone on board.

It is up to the humans who are still alive to finish their assignments and locate the impostors so that they can cast them into the abyss. However, be careful! You should not believe everything that you are told because the impostors will use every trick in the book to try to convince everyone that they are a member of the crew. If you don’t get your story straight, you could end up being the one who is kicked out of the party for no good reason.

Firmware requirements: 5.05, 8

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA27793

Among Us v1 FW 8 (CUSA27793 – EUR – PKG)
Among Us Update v1.01 Fix FW 5.05 or higher (CUSA27793 – EUR – PKG)