KAMIKO is a game styled around Japanese Shinto beliefs. – KAMIKO pkg


Fight as priestesses called ‘KAMIKO’ and battle against demons while solving puzzles to make your way through the stages.

Look no further if you are looking for an arcade action game with a twist!

Each stage has several Torii (gates) which are magically sealed. Find a way to break all the seals to make your way to the stage boss.

The game draws inspiration from Japanese Shinto mythology, with enemies often taking the form of malevolent spirits and yokai.

Kamiko utilizes various weapons and abilities to vanquish these foes, from purifying arrows to devastating elemental attacks. The gameplay boasts an arcade-style feel, encouraging players to hone their skills and chase high scores through replayable levels.

With its charming art style, engaging combat, and rich Shinto-inspired themes, KAMIKO offers a captivating and unique adventure for players seeking a blend of action and puzzle-solving.

Players take on the role of the Kamiko, tasked with unsealing mystical gates that block their path. Each level presents unique challenges, requiring strategic thinking and skillful execution to overcome.

If you want to play some good game, you can play God of War pkg.

Firmware requirements: 6.5, 9

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA18037 – USA:

Language : English
Note : No Trophy
KAMIKO v1 (CUSA18037 – USA – PKG)