Monster Sanctuary

Monster Sanctuary is a Metroidvania-style game in which you must delve deep into the world, explore vast lands, and call upon your monsters for assistance in both combat and non-combat situations. Make use of their one-of-a-kind abilities to navigate environmental challenges and challenging platforming by flying, riding, and using brute force. You are free to explore the world however you see fit; however, are you prepared to challenge the Sanctuary?

You will start your adventure by selecting an ancient spectral familiar to accompany you on your journey. This melancholy beast will show you the way as you make your way into the sanctuary. They will be right there with you as you take down the first of 111 monsters in the game. You are responsible from this point forward for spawning, collecting, evolving, and training monsters from all over the Sanctuary. Each has their own special skills in addition to a skill tree that can be customised to fit your needs as your team’s power level increases.

Firmware requirements: 5.05

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA19134:

Monster Sanctuary 4-II v1 (CUSA19134 – US – PKG)
Monster Sanctuary 4-II v1.08 Fix FW 5.05 or higher (CUSA19134 – US – PKG)