At long last, “Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada,” the most recent installment in the “Samurai Warriors” series, is available for purchase!
The entire life of Yukimura Sanada, the officer regarded as Japan’s finest soldier, is presented in its entirety, spanning all 48 of his years.

A number of characters, including Yukimura’s father, Masayuki Sanada, who have been requested by fans to participate in the battle do so. The depictions of characters evolve as they go through the course of the story, giving it more flavour.
Several new features have been added, such as ‘Castle Towns,’ in which you can experience the day-to-day lives and battles of officers in minute detail, and ‘Multi-Stage Battles,’ which let you fight across multiple stages simultaneously!

Firmware requirements: 4.71

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA07931:

SAMURAI WARRIORS Spirit of Sanada v1 (CUSA07931 – EUR – PKG)