Subnautica Below Zero

The video game Below Zero is an underwater adventure that takes place on a foreign ocean planet. Unknown Worlds is responsible for the creation of this new part of the Subnautica universe, which serves as a new chapter.

Take part in a brand-new expedition to a polar region of Planet 4546B, where the temperature will be well below freezing. As soon as you arrived, armed with little more than your wits and some basic supplies for survival, you set out to investigate what had happened to your sister…

Following some unexplained occurrence, Alterra departed in a hurry. The region is littered with defunct research stations. What became of the scientists who used to work and live in this location? The logs, items, and databanks that were strewn about the wreckage piece together a new picture of what happened. If you want to survive on your own, despite having few resources, you have to be creative.

Firmware requirements: 5.05

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA18058:

Subnautica Below Zero v1 (CUSA18058 – EUR – PKG)
Subnautica Below Zero Update v1.11 FW 5.05 or higher (CUSA18058 – EUR – PKG)