This War of Mine : The Little Ones

This War Of Mine: The Little Ones provides a gritty, dramatic, and often thought provoking experience of war through the eyes of those trying to survive

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This War Of Mine: The Little Ones provides a gritty, dramatic, and often thought provoking experience of war. Not from an elite soldierΒ΄s point of view, rather from a group of civilians that are trying to survive. Struggling with a lack of food, limited or no medical supplies and under the threat of constant danger from the world around, players will need to make life-or-death decisions just to make it through another day.

Firmware requirements: 4.05 or 4.55 or 5.05 or 5.07 or higher


πŸ”½πŸ”½πŸ”½πŸ”½πŸ”½πŸ”½ This War of Mine : The Little Ones (PKG – EUR)